Olivier Caleff is NO LONGER working at ANSSI / CERT-FR.
You can NO LONGER contact him at "olivier dot caleff at ssi dot gouv dot fr", as emails are NO LONGER FORWARDED to him, since he left on February 28th, 2018.

For 5 years, he was the International Liaison Officer and CERT-FR representative for:
InterCERT-FR, in France; EGC, TF-CSIRT, and CSIRTs Network, in Europe; AfricaCERT, in Africa; FIRST, worldwide; and some other partners, workgroups and task-forces internationally.
Of course, he REVOKED his PGP key that was associated with his email address back then.
Although it's now useless, you can still check it on PGP keyservers such as pgp.mit.edu and pgp.circl.lu.
Details of his PGP key were: KeyID: 0x17A98D8B - Fingerprint: B00B C262 1538 CA29 648B 6C54 A0B5 56A0 17A9 8D8B
Olivier Caleff is currently working as a Security Expert at SANOFI.
His other activities include being:
— a FIRST "Trusted Introducer Associate", a "TRANSITS-I and TRANSITS-II Head Trainer", a "FIRST Liaison" —
— an OpenCSIRT "SIM3 Certified Auditor", a COFRAC "Evaluateur Technique" —
— a member of the "Cloud Security Alliance" —
— a Trainer and Program Committee member for Masters of Sciences on Security, and Cloud Computing security—
More details are available on his LinkedIn profile.